How can I express, on a web page, how much my family means to me? I know I’m not alone in this dilema, for many of you have families that you love just as much as I love mine. So, I guess we just try to put in words and pictures the gratitude we feel for those who knew us best, who loved us unconditionally, guided us, gave us a faith in God, discipline us, and perhaps most of all, had faith in us. The family is God’s building block for humanity, and although we have to live with imperfections in ourselves and our family, families are still the foundation of His plans for us in this life.
Ray Mack

LR: Nancy (Coleman) Dover - Neice, Randy Coleman - Nephew, John Coleman - Brother in Law, Zorene Thompson - Mother, Avalyn (Maddox) Thompson - Wife, Barbara (Thompson ) Coleman - Sister. Not seen, kneeling in front of my family, ME with my Leica camera! Taken about 1963-4.