My wonderful mate for 44 years
Avalyn (Maddox) Thompson, 1935-2005
Avalyn Anne (Maddox) Thompson was born in Abilene, Texas, May 4, 1935. Avalyn’s dad was a U.S. Army supply officer and instructor, and before she finished the seventh grade she had lived in ten states, and attended over a dozen elementary schools. After her dad left the service, her family moved to Lubbock, Texas, where Avalyn finished high school in1953. She then attended Texas Tech University and graduated with a Bachelor in Applied Arts. After graduation in 1956, she worked as a district director for the Camp Fire Girls for one year. She then worked as a district director for the Caprock Girl Scout Council until her marriage in 1960.
Avalyn met Ray Mack Thompson at the Texas Tech Bible Chair, which she attended while working for the Girl Scouts. Ray was attending Tech on the GI Bill and graduated with a BSEE in 1959. Avalyn and Ray were married at the Broadway Church of Christ, April 22nd, 1960. They moved to Dallas, took an apartment on Oram Street, and placed membership at nearby Skillman Church of Christ. Because Ray was working at Collins Radio in Richardson, they moved there in 1962 and purchased their first house.
Avalyn decided she wanted to teach, and in September of 1961 entered Texas Woman’s University to complete the necessary hours for an elementary teaching certificate. She graduated with a Master’s degree in Elementary Education in 1962 and began teaching fourth grade in the Richardson Independent School District (RISD). Avalyn taught in RISD for 33 years, teaching 2nd through 6th grades at: Dover, Dobie, Mark Twain, and Moss Haven Elementry’s, before retired in 1995. Teaching children was her most fulfilling life experience.
Avalyn loved clothes, and loved to sew her own when she had time. She also enjoyed crocheting, needlepoint, and reading. Avalyn cherished her close friends and their activities, including the Alpha Delta Kappa Teaching Sorority and the Dobie Bridge Club. She was especially close to her niece, Juenessa Williams. After Avalyn retired she loved helping Juenessa with her first born, Britton. Next came the Williams twin boys, Garrett and Chase. “Aunt A” (the nickname given her by her father) was much adored by this family.
Some of Avalyn’s closest friends were three couples associated with RISD, the Stephens, Sherwoods, and Heselton’s of Richardson. This group traveled together numerous times over the years, and Avalyn cherished their close friendship and “round robin” dinner parties each year.
I lost Avalyn to pancreatic cancer in 2005…RIP Dear One!