Avalyn, School Teacher
We didn’t have children of our own, but Avalyn was devoted to her nieces and nephews on both sides of our family. However, her “own children” were those she taught as an elementary school teacher for 33 years. All of her teaching career was in Richardson ISD, where we lived almost all of our married life. Avalyn loved to teach and loved her teacher friends. A group of young teachers she began with at Dobie Elementary formed the “Dobie Bridge Club.” Avalyn was a member for 24 years before her passing, but the DBC still meets! Our closest friends and traveling companions were all educators.

Avalyn was, I would say, a rather “old fashioned” school teacher, who believed that kids should deport themselves well in class, pay attention, and study. She taught mostly 4th grade, and often said, “This is the last grade that kids feel like its OK to ‘love’ their teacher,” and she certainly loved them. Avalyn, for the most part, got along well with fellow teachers and her principals. However, she was not afraid to disagree, respectfully, on matters of principal. One such disagreement was very traumatic for both of us, but we took it in stride. It was, to Avalyn, a matter of personal integrity, and I supported her all the way. Even though the experience led to Avalyn leaving her classroom, she felt it was one of life's lessons that we endure and make the best of. I tried to support Avalyn's position with some words on "Success vs Excellence." See what you think of her story.... RMT VIDEO